姓名:张东蕾; 性别:女; 出生年月:1965,07
学历:博士; 毕业学校:日本九州大学
张东蕾(教授/博士),1986年本科毕业于中国药科大学生化制药专业,1991年获沈阳药科大学微生物制药硕士学位,1999年获日本九州大学医学部免疫学博士学位,1999-2004年于加拿大麦吉尔大学(McGill University)皇家医院经历博士后训练,2004-2013.07于加拿大麦吉尔大学基础医学院生化系任高级研究员,主要从事癌症转移机理及肺纤维化治疗药物的高通量药物筛选研究。2013年8月回国加入何氏集团,现任辽宁何氏医学院药学院院长,沈阳眼产业技术研究院有限公司新药筛选平台负责人;沈阳药科大学、锦州医科大学及大连医科大学客座教授(兼职研究生导师)。目前主要科研研究方向是眼科疾病发生机理及眼科新药筛选和药效学评价研究(包括体外细胞模型和体内动物模型的建立)。迄今已发表SCI及中文核心期刊收录论文40余篇,其影响因子累计130有余,获加拿大发明专利1项,获中国发明专利授权6项(其中4项为第一发明人),正在申请发明专利2项。回国后主持及参与国家及省市科研项目多项(科研项目12项, 教改项目10项)。现担任中华中医药学会眼科分会委员,中华医学会眼科分会免疫学组委员,中华中医药学会中医眼科协同创新共同体执行委员会委员。辽宁省眼科干细胞组织工程重点实验室主任,沈阳市领军人才,沈阳市科技专家。
1. Zhang Y, An Yuan, He X, Zhang D*, He W*(2021). Esculetin protects human corneal epithelial cells from oxidative stress through Nrf-2 signaling pathway Experimental Eye Research 202: 108360. (*corresponding author, IF3.0)
2. Yuan Z, Du W, He X, Zhang D*, He W*(2020). Tribulus terrestris ameliorates oxidative stress-induced ARPE-19 cell injury through the PI3K/Akt-Nrf2 signaling pathway. Oxidative Medicine and Cellular Longevity 2020:7962393. doi: 10.1155/2020/7962393. (*corresponding author, IF5.0)
3. Zhang C , Xu T , Zhang D, He W, Wang S , Jiang T. (2018) Disulfiram thermosensitive in-situ gel based on solid dispersion for cataract. Asian Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences , 13:527-535( IF4.6)
4. Du W, An Y, He X, Zhang D*, He W*(2018) Protection of kaempferol on oxidative stress-induced retinal pigment epithelial cell damage. Oxidative Medicine and Cellular Longevity 2018:1610751. doi: 10.1155/2018/1610751. (*corresponding author, IF4.9)
5. Zhang M, Zhang F, Sun J, Sun Y, Xu L, Zhang D, Wang Z, He W.(2017).The condition medium of mesenchymal stem cells promotes proliferation, adhesion and neuronal differentiation of retinal progenitor cells. Neuroscience Letters 657: 62-68 (IF 2.159)
6. Sampson HM., Lam H., Chen PC., Zhang D., Mottillo C., Mirza M., Qasim K., Shrier A., Shyng SL., Hanrahan JW and Thomas DY (2013). Compounds that correct F508del-CFTR trafficking can also correct other protein trafficking diseases. Orphanet J Rare Dis. 8:11. doi: 10.1186/1750-1172-8-1.(IF 4.3)
7. Zhang D*, Ciciriello F, Anjos SM, Carissimo A, Liao J, Carlile GW, Balghi H, Robert R, Luini A, Hanrahan JW, Thomas DY (2012). Ouabain mimics low temperature rescue of F508del-CFTR in cystic fibrosis epithelial cells. Front Pharmacol. 3:176-190 (*First and Corresponding author, IF5.0).
8. Carlile GW, Keyzers RA, Teske KA, Robert R, Williams DE, Linington RG, Gray CA, Centko RM, Yan L, Anjos SM, Sampson HM, Zhang D, Liao J, Hanrahan JW, Andersen RJ, Thomas DY (2012). Correction of F508del-FTR trafficking by the sponge alkaloidlatonduine is modulated by interaction with PARP. Chem Biol. 19:1288-1299. (IF 6.1)
9. Anjos SM, Robert R, Waller D, Zhang DL, Balghi H, Sampson HM, Ciciriello F, Lesimple P, Carlile GW, Goepp J, Liao J, Ferraro P, Phillipe R, Dantzer F, Hanrahan JW, Thomas DY (2012) . Poly (ADP-Ribose) Polymerase (PARP) inhibitors restore mutant deltaF508 CFTR trafficking. Front Pharmacol. 3:165-175, (IF 5.0)
10. Li S, Zhang D*, Yang L, Burnier JV, Wang N, Lin R, Lee ER, Glazer RI, Brodt P. (2009). The IGF-I receptor can alter the matrix metalloproteinase repertoire of tumor cells through transcriptional regulation of PKC-{alpha}. Mol Endocrinol. 23:2013-2025 (* Co-first author, IF5.3).
11. Wang B, Heath-Engel H, Zhang D, Nguyen N, Thomas DY, Hanrahan JW, Shore GC (2008). BAP31 interacts with Sec61 translocons and promotes retrotranslocation of CFTR DeltaF508 via the derlin-1 complex. Cell 133:1080-1092., (IF 34)
12. Robert R, Carlile GW, Pavel C, Liu N, Anjos SM, Liao J, Luo Y, Zhang D, Thomas DY, Hanrahan JW (2008). Structural analog of sildenafil identified as a novel corrector of the F508del-CFTR trafficking defect. Mol Pharmacol 73:478-489, (IF 4.2)
13. Carlile GW, Robert R, Zhang D, Teske KA, Luo Y, Hanrahan JW, Thomas DY (2007). Correctors of protein trafficking defects identified by a novel high-throughput screening assay. Chembiochem 8:1012-1020,(IF3.3)
14. Zhang D*, Bar-Eli M, Meloche S and Brodt P (2004). Dual-regulation of MMP-2 expression by the IGF-I receptor: the PI 3-kinase/Akt and Raf/ERK pathways transmit opposing signals. J Biol Chem 279:19683-19690. (*First author, IF 6.4)
15. Zhang D*, Samani AA and Brodt P (2003). The role of the IGF-I receptor in the regulation of matrix metalloproteinases, tumor invasion and metastasis. Horm.Metab Res 35:802-808 (Review, *First author, IF 3.0).
16. Tang Y, Zhang D, Fallavollita L and Brodt P (2003). VEGF-C expression and lymph node metastasis are regulated by the type I insulin-like growth factor receptor. Cancer Res 26:110-116. (IF 8.6)
17. Zhang D* and Brodt P (2003). Type I insulin-like growth factor regulates MT1-MMP synthesis and tumor invasion via PI 3-kinase/Akt signaling. Oncogene 22: 974-982.(*First author, IF 6.5)
18. Brodt P, Fallavollita L, Khatib AM, Samani AA.and Zhang D (2001). Cooperative regulation of the invasive and metastatic phenotypes by different domains of the type I insulin- like growth factor receptor beta subunit. J Biol Chem 276:33608-33615.(IF 6.6)
19. Wang B, Kishihala K, Zhang D, Sakamoto T and Nomoto K (1999). Transcriptional regulation of a receptor protein tyrosine phsphatase gene hPTP-J by PKC-mediated signaling pathways in Jurkat and Molt-4 T lymphoma cells. Biochimica. et Biophysica. Acta 1450: 331-340.(IF 3.0)
20. Zhang D*, Kishihara K, Wang B, Mizobe K, Kubo C and Nomoto K (1998). Restraint stress-induced immunosuppressions by inhibiting leukocyte migration and Th1 cytokine expression during the intraperitoneal infection of Listeria monocytogenes. J. Neuroimmunol 92: 139-151.(*First author, IF 4.3)
21. Wang B, Kishihara K, Zhang D, Hara H and Nomoto K (1997). Molecular cloning and characterization of a novel human receptor protein tyrosine phosphatase gene, hPTP-J- --down-regulation of the gene expression by PMA and calcium ionophore in Jurkat T lymphoma cells. Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun. 231:77-81. (IF 3.8)
1. 2019,09-2021,09,辽宁省科学技术计划项目(重点研发项目):“由AI介导的具有LFA-1/ICAM-1抑制剂活性的抗干眼症天然产物的计算设计与生物活性评价研究”(主持人,2019JH2/10300011)
2. 2018.06-2020.05,辽宁省自然科学基金:“中药蒺藜抗视网膜氧化损伤活性成分的优选与机制研究”(主要参与人,20180550378)
3. 2018.09-2020.08,辽宁省自然科学基金:“新型Rho激酶抑制剂设计、合成与生物活性研究”,(主要参与人,20180540018)
4. 2017.06-2020.06,国家重点研发计划:“新型人工晶体及高端眼科植入材料的研发”(主要参与人,2017YFC1104600)
5. 2017.05.-2019.04,辽宁省科技厅项目:“秦皮乙素对人角膜上皮细胞保护作用的研究” ,(主要参与人,20170540450)
6. 2016.01-2018.12,沈阳市科技局:“具有视神经保护作用的天然药物筛选及作用机制研究”,(主持人,F16-205-1-36)
7. 2015.07-2018.07,辽宁省自然基金项目:“治疗干眼免疫抑制剂活性药物筛选”,(主持人,2015020681)